As opposed to any other part of your home, nothing could possibly combine form and function better than the type of staircase that you’re using.
Regardless of whether you’ve got a two-storey home or a mansion, the type of elevation that you use can make a difference in the overall feel and flow of the property. They may seem like a menial matter at first, but the design of your steps plays an important role in establishing the motif of your home because it’s a focal point of the home.
Out of all the different styles that you can use for your home’s own staircase, there’s one option that has undoubtedly become a must-consider for many Perth homeowners: floating steel staircases.
The allure of floating steel staircases
Floating steel staircases are often regarded as one of the most fundamental institutions of modern styling. They exemplify some of the finest European design principles that continue to leverage a significant impact on any home’s aesthetic.
Through the use of glass balustrades, minimalist treads, and a lack of structure beneath each step, they create their trademark floating appearance that can be used to outfit an area with a dramatic accent. The main reason that this style of the staircase has been far more sought after is that it also helps create a relaxing and natural environment for comfortable living.
For open floor plans, in particular, floating steel staircases shine the most because they provide them with the versatility that makes the entire space feel much roomier. Additionally, it provides the space with an added storage compartment for more functionality and light into the room.
What to consider when going for a basic floating staircase design
It is important to take a few important factors into consideration when it comes to choosing the type of floating staircase style. Here are some of them:
1. The material option to be used
The material option used matters quite a lot because it takes up a significant amount of a staircase’s visual appeal. Floating steel staircases, for instance, are best suited for more modern designs that provide a look that matches concrete or material finishes. On the other hand, a solid timber tread can be used to complement any contemporary setting with a traditional look that seamlessly integrates modern functionality.
2. The manner of installation
It may not seem like much at first, but the way your floating staircase design is installed can also make a significant difference in how it looks because the components of various setups are easily seen. The standard central stringer setup used in most arrangements provides a more seamless design finish. If you’re looking for a guaranteed amount of safety, however, you may have to use a railing system that can look a bit bulkier.
3. The presence of balustrades (or none at all)
In recent years, Perth homeowners have been opting for balustrade options with their floating staircase designs because they help add a modern touch. Through the help of a glass balustrade, you can further supplement the overall appeal of the design and make it feel whole.
When it comes to outfitting your home with a basic floating staircase design, an important aspect to consider when ensuring the impact of your investment is the considerations you’ll need to make in terms of its design. By following this quick guide, you’ll be able to end up with the best setup for your home in no time.
If you’re looking for floating staircases and balustrades in Perth, get in touch with us today to see how we can help!